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Sex Stories: A Daily Dose of HIV Prevention

Two weeks ago, the FDA made waves in reproductive health by approving a new HPV screening test.This week, the CDC had a turn at shaking things up by recommending a pill to prevent HIV. Similar to the HPV test, the new CDC guideline makes official a new use for...

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Sex Stories: Questioning C-section Overuse

The C-section has long been heralded for its ability to save the lives of mothers and babies who may go into distress or encounter other medical complications during the birth experience. The surgery is one of many measures that has contributed to an overall decrease...

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Sex Stories: An End to the Primacy of the Pap?

Last week, the FDA rocked the sexual and reproductive health world when it approved a new tool to be used in cervical cancer screening. The Roche test is a primary HPV test that detects the presence of the virus’ DNA in a cervical sample. This differs from a Pap smear which looks for abnormal, potentially cancerous cells.

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