Sexual Health Rankings™ presents Sex Stories, a weekly roundup of sexual health news from around the country.
Study on Stroke in Women Focuses on Risks From Pregnancy (Wall Street Journal)
New guidelines from the American Heart Association include specific recommendations for females to reduce their risk of stroke. Recommendations include monitoring blood-pressure in women on oral contraceptives and taking steps to avoid preeclampsia during pregnancy.
Abortion Rates Lowest in 40 Years (CNN)
A new report from the Guttmacher Institute found that abortion rates fell 13% between 2008 and 2011. The decline is thought to be related to an overall drop in pregnancy and birth rates, improved contraceptive use, and the recession. The same report also showed that states have passed over 200 restrictions on abortion since 2011.
Virginia Bill to Decriminalize Sex Outside of Marriage Stalls (NBC News)
The repeal of a law against fornication, one of Virginia’s “morality laws” was put on hold this week. Lawmakers were worried that changes to the law would provide loopholes to those who commit incest and other sex crimes. Virginia also made headlines this week as the opening arguments were heard in the federal challenge of the state’s ban against same sex marriage.
Teens Having Less Sex, at Least at One Bay Area School (SF Gate)
Every five years, Redwood High School students fill out an anonymous survey about sex, similar to those used by public health agencies. The most recent results show an overall decline in students having intercourse and those who think homosexuality is an illness. The survey dates back to the 1970s.