by Kait Scalisi | Nov 14, 2014 | News, Sex Stories

By Kait Scalisi, MPH
In recent years, public health efforts have increasingly focused on higher-risk and hard-to reach populations including men who have sex with men (MSM). Despite these efforts, however, HIV rates remain stagnant and condom use is on the decline. In order to address these concerns, public health organizations and the owners of seven gay dating sites—BarebackRT, Daddyhunt, Dudesnude,, Grindr, POZ Personals, and SCRUFF—and apps came together to determine the best way to meet both parties’ needs: making money and promoting health.
One of the biggest tensions between the sex-positive movement and the public health field is how to mitigate the risks of sex in a way that does not shame people. Public health often decries so-called hookup culture because of a large body of research linking numerous bad health outcomes to earlier sexual debut, a higher number of sexual partners, and other sexual choices identified as risky. Nevertheless, with the rise of smart phones and apps, hookups are easier than ever.
The meeting, held in San Francisco and organized by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), was based in part on research from 2010 which explored the types of prevention strategies mobile and Web app users would be open to. However, the technology and the way people use it has changed drastically in the last four years, so the results were viewed more as a reference than a roadmap.
The meeting itself furthered the insights from the 2010 survey. Specifically,
- App and Web site owners want to promote prevention strategies but need to know what works.
- Top priorities included promoting STI testing and reducing stigma for those living with STIs.
- Partner notification procedures need to be adapted for apps.
Ultimately, the meeting’s participants decided to focus on three areas: promoting testing, fighting stigma, and relationship building between the two fields.
This meeting is exciting for so many reasons. It helps debunk the idea that app owners care only about the bottom line and are not invested in being socially responsible. It highlights a sex-positive approach to STI prevention, rather than one rooted in fear tactics, shame, blame, or “don’t do it!” messaging. It shows that public health is evolving … and maybe our efforts don’t have to be in conflict with sex-positivity.
This collaboration is beautiful because it meets MSM, a group classified as hard-to-reach, right where they are—on the apps and Web sites they use daily. Holding this meeting was a strategic, business-like move, which isn’t public health’s traditional modus operandi. It takes the best of both sectors and combines them into a solid strategy to meet everyone’s objectives, whether those are measured in dollars, dates, or rates.
Read a full overview of the meeting here.
Other Sexual Health News This Week
Michigan Gay Rights: GOP Bill Would Add Sexual Orientation, But Not Gender Identity Protections (
Judge Strikes Down SC Same-Sex Marriage Ban (WLTX19)
Supreme Court Allows Same-Sex Marriages to Proceed in Kansas, Lifting Stay (Washington Post)
Transgender-Friendly Bathroom Legislation to be Subject of Cleveland City Council Hearing Today (
New York Initiative to Help Other Cities Clear Rape-Kit Backlogs (New York Times)
Military Sexual Assault in US Veterans: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study (PubMed- NCBI)
Important Dates
World AIDS Day, Dec 1. Click here to find events near you.
The following conferences take place in November and December. Click on each title for more information and to register.
APHA’s 142nd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Nov 15-19, New Orleans, LA
National Sex Ed Conference, Dec 3-5, Meadowlands, NJ Be on the lookout for presentations by SHR’s Kait Scalisi and the CSPH’s Megan Andelloux
by Kait Scalisi | Nov 7, 2014 | News, Sex Stories

By Kait Scalisi, MPH
You won’t often find sexual fantasies being discussed as part of a standard public health curriculum. Yet fantasizing is shown to be both a normal and health part of sexuality. Now, researchers out of Canada have discovered just how normal certain fantasies are.
Spoiler alert: if you’ve wanked to it, someone else probably has too.
The study looked at data from over 1,500 adults. Notably, the numbers were nearly evenly split between men and women, a characteristic which lends credibility and generalizability to the results. With regards to the fantasies themselves, the majority of fantasies were classified as either “common” or “typical,” meaning that more than half of participants reported having them. Only 11 of the fantasies were statistically “rare” or “unusual”—that is, reported by less than 3% and 16% of the participants respectively. Rare fantasies included bestiality and pedophilia, while unusual ones included cross-dressing and urinating on one’s partner. It is important here to again highlight that the study focused only on the sexual scenarios that participants fantasized about, not acted on.
Notable results include:
- Wanting to feel romantic emotions during sex was typical for both men and women. So much for those stereotypes about men being unfeeling horndogs.
- Though fantasies related to submission (e.g. being tied up, spanked, etc.) were common for both genders, most women reported not wanting to act on those fantasies in real life.
- Significantly more people fantasized about same-sex sex acts than identified as gay or not heterosexual.
- People fantasized about having sex with their friends about as often as they fantasized about doing it with strangers.
- Everyone fantasized about oral sex.
- Many more women than men fantasized about having sex with more than three people at once.
The study also supported some commonly held perceptions for both genders. For example, many men fantasize about anal sex, ejaculating on their partner, and having a threesome with two women. Women, on the other hand, like to fantasize about sex with a celebrity, and were more apt to fantasize about sex with someone of the same gender.
Unsurprisingly, men reported having sexual fantasies more often than women, were more likely than women to want to realize their fantasies, and gave more vividly detailed descriptions of their favorite fantasies. This may be related to observed tendency of men to be less sexually inhibited than women. Women may fantasize less due to guilt and negative attitudes about thinking sexual thoughts; however, they may have under-reported their fantasies to conform with what they believed to be acceptable. Likewise, men might have over-reported their fantasies so they would seem more sexually experienced and open. Most likely, the discrepancy in frequency of fantasies incorporates all of these explanations to some extent.
This research is important on a multitude of levels. For individuals, it normalizes both the experience of fantasizing and the fantasies themselves. In other words, they’re normal. For mental health providers, it supports the idea that certain fantasies alone, such as domination and submission, may not actually be a paraphilic disorder but a natural and healthy part of patient’s sex life. Lastly, it supports the argument that there is so much more to sex than reproduction. As the researchers themselves said about the fantasies unique to men, including anal sex and watching their partner have sex with someone else, “Evolutionary biological theories cannot explain these fantasies.”
The researchers intend on doing additional analyses to make further connections among personal characteristics and specific fantasies.
For a graph showing the full list of fantasies and their frequency by gender click here.
Other Sexual Health News This Week
CALCASA Release Report on Campus Sexual Assault (CALCASA)
Chiaro Reboots the Pelvic Floor Exerciser as a Sleek Connected Wearable Called Elvie (TechCrunch)
MIT Survey Suggests How Campuses Can Address Sexual Assault (Central Maine)
Missouri Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Unconstitutional, Court Rules(Reuters)
Groups Ask School Districts to Reconsider Transgender Restroom Policies (The Daily Signal)
University Students, Faculty Push for Gender Identity Inclusion (The Cavalier Daily)
Coalition Of Parents Shocked To Discover Planned Parenthood Teaching Sex Ed At East Bay Schools (CBS San Francisco)
by Kait Scalisi | Oct 24, 2014 | News, Sex Stories

By Kait Scalisi, MPH
It’s that time of year again—pumpkin spice, homecoming, and the release of Trojan’s Sexual Health Report Card. The annual ranking of campus sexual health resources has become a fall tradition, and schools are stepping up their game in pursuit of the coveted No. 1 spot.
The report card provides valuable feedback about what schools do well, identifies where they could do better, and spurs improvement through competition. According to lead researcher Bert Sperling,
“The outside focus and attention placed on these programs has prompted schools to develop stronger sexual health initiatives and increase students’ access to resources.”
The report card ranks sexual health resources and information available to students on 140 campuses. Colleges are ranked on 11 categories including STI testing on-site, sexual violence prevention and response resources, and programming for sexual health education. To obtain this information, researchers both interview health center representatives and conduct their own research on the centers and their services.
Since the rankings began, schools have made vast improvements to the resources and information available to students. This year, the superstar is Oregon State University which went from No. 26 to No. 1. This incredible jump is due to factors like increasing condom availability, extending student health center hours of operations, and improving the usability and quality of their sexual health Web site. All of these factors reduce barriers to accessing safer sex materials and sexual health care. Other schools that saw large jumps in the rankings include the University of Oregon, recognized for its development of the SexPositive app, the University of Central Florida, and the University of Maryland. Coming in last, for the third year in a row, is Brigham Young University.
One limitation of the report card is that it only draws from schools in conferences within the Bowl Championships Series. That being said, the students on these campuses include individuals from all 50 states. Additionally, the report card only looks at resources available via student health centers, which may or may not be the main provider of sexual health services and information at a given school.
Despite such limitations, the Trojan report card provides valuable information about the types of resources and information available to students on campuses throughout the country, and it serves as a best-practices guide of sorts for other campuses, regardless of whether they are ranked. This year’s shakeup in the rankings highlights the increasing importance of sexual health issues to colleges and universities, and shows that lower-ranking schools can rise to the top by taking steps to improve.
Other Sexual Health News This Week
‘Swingers’ Multiple Drug Use Heightens Risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Medical Press)
Transgender Federal Employee Wins Historic Discrimination Case (Washington Post)
Three States Wage Fight to Keep Same-Sex Marriage Bans (The Kansas City Star)
Planned Parenthood Thinks It Found a Way to Stop Middle Schoolers from Having Sex (Time)
Important Dates
The following conference proposals are due in October and November.
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) 2015 Meeting, October 30.
CatalystCon East, November 4.
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) 2015 Conference, November 5.
Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium, November 7.
by Kait Scalisi | Oct 17, 2014 | News, Sex Stories

By Kait Scalisi, MPH
A new report from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) highlights the huge strides healthcare facilities have made in LGBT patient-centered care while also showing the need for more inclusive policies and practices and increased staff training. The report, called the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), rates facilities on how they treat LGBT individuals, commends hospitals that show commitment to LGBT patient-centered care, and provide resources and information to facilities looking to become more equitable and inclusive. In their words:
[…] the HEI offers healthcare facilities unique and powerful resources for providing a long overlooked group of patients the care that everyone deserves — while also complying with new regulatory requirements and gaining access to high-quality staff training.
The ratings are based on four core criteria. These include:
- A patient non-discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation and gender identity and is communicated in at least two accessible ways.
- Visitation policies that are equal for LGBT patients and visitor snad are communicated in at least two accessible ways.
- An employment non-discrimination policy that follows the guidelines for patients.
- Training in LGBT patient-centered care.
“Accessible” forms of communication include being posted on the facility’s website, in materials given to the patient at registration or other times, posted in the waiting room or in materials located there.
This year, there were 31 other questions that participating facilities answered. These “additional best practices” further gauged facilities’ engagement and interest in recommendations for optimal care. Questions were asked about facilities’ current and planned non-clinical plans in these areas.
2014 was the largest HEI ever, including data from over 1,500 healthcare facilities. Of these, about one-third (500) actively participated by responding to the HRC’s request for information and answering questions in the aforementioned 35 areas. This number is nearly double the response received in 2013, showing a huge growth in facilities’ commitment to meeting the unique needs of LGBT individuals. Information from the remaining 1,000 facilities was gotten either through researching hospital policy or reviewing results from the 2012 and 2013 HEI.
Unsurprisingly, actively participating facilities were more likely to meet each of the core criteria, with 84% meeting all of them and earning the status of “2014 leader in LGBT healthcare equality.” All but two states, Idaho and North Dakota, had at least one “equality leader.” Additionally, 10,000 hospital and clinic staff received training in at least one aspect of LGBT health. Alongside the official news that the federal government will recognize same-sex marriage in seven new states, this data shows that the US is becoming increasingly inclusive of and, hopefully, compassionate towards LGBT individuals.
Among the hospitals that did not respond, 86% had an equal visitation policy. This likely is due to the fact that such policies are now required by Medicare/Medicaid; therefore, not having such a policy violates federal standards. More facilities included only sexual orientation in their non-discrimination policy than both that and gender-identity. This fact encapsulates the increased acceptance of same-sex partnerships as well as the work that still needs to be done to include trans* individuals. Generally speaking, the HEI provides a fairly accurate snapshot of national attitudes towards these groups. In recent years, there have been huge improvements in inclusion of LGB individuals and now the focus is rightfully shifting towards trans* people who remain more marginalized. Though these statistics are no ideal, they show drastic improvement from even two years ago and give hope that in another two years, the majority of healthcare facilities in the US will fully comply with all best practices for LGBT patient-centered care.
The results from facilities’ responses to “additional best practices” they currently or plan to enforce most clearly reflect this. Specifically, substantial improvements were noted in the following areas:
- Providing transgender-focused training to employees
- Recording domestic partnerships
- Providing training to remind employees that LGBT-status is confidential
- Providing healthcare benefits to same-sex partners of employees
- Having at least one health insurance plan covering medically necessary services to transgender employees
The HEI also profiles several leaders who represent the very best of LGBT patient-centered care. Lastly, they provide four recommendations for hospitals who did not achieve Leader status this year. These recommendations include updating non-discrimination and visitation policies to cover both sexual orientation and gender identity and communicate these inclusive policies on the facility’s website alongside Patient Bill of Rights, visiting hours, and on the career page.
This report tells us both that huge strides are being made within healthcare and that there is still more work to be done. The nearly two-fold increase in the number of hospitals who willingly participated, the large number of staff who received training, and the hundreds of facilities designated as leaders offer an inspiring look at the future of LGBT patient-care.
Other Sexual Health News This Week
Despite Legal Reprieve On Abortion, Some Texas Clinics Remain Closed (NPR)
Alaska Asks U.S. Top Court to Block Gay Marriage (Reuters) Meanwhile, Horne Concedes Same-Sex Marriage Ruling Applies to Arizona. (AZ Central)
Gender Identity Training in Neb. Schools Frustrates Some, Applauded by Others (Christian Science Monitor)
Tougher Police Tactics Stinging Sex Buyers (Seattile Times)
Task Force to Tackle Sexual Assaults on Campuses (WWL)
Important Dates
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health 2015 Meeting, October 30.
CatalystCon East, November 4.
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) 2015 Conference, November 5.
Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium, November 7.
by Kait Scalisi | Oct 10, 2014 | News, Sex Stories

By Kait Scalisi, MPH
The news was alight this week with on-again, off-again reports of states approving same-sex marriage following a U.S. Supreme Court decision on Monday.
First, SCOTUS refused to hear challenges to lower courts’ rulings that uphold the right to same-sex marriage in five states: Wisconsin, Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, and Virginia. This refusal meant that the lower courts’ decision to allow same-sex marriage held, and such couples could begin marrying. Additionally, six other states fall under the jurisdiction of these lower courts. This means same-sex marriage may soon be coming to Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Because the lower court’s ruling cover these additional six states, confusion reigned. A South Carolina judge began accepting applications for marriage licenses. The state’s Supreme Court quickly put an end to this, citing a desire to wait on an official ruling from a federal judge that strikes down the ban.
Kansas followed South Carolina’s initial lead, and same-sex couples in at least one Kansas county can now receive marriage licenses. Because Kansas does not have residency requirements for licenses, however, same-sex couples outside of the county can also travel there to obtain a marriage license.
In West Virginia, the governor and attorney general agreed to stop defending the state’s ban on same-sex marriages.
In North Carolina, the results were mixed. The attorney general agreed to not challenge removal of the state’s same-sex marriage ban. After a judge lifted delays in two cases challenging the state’s ban, two legislative leaders filed a motion that would delay or block removal of the ban.
Wyoming’s governor kept things simple and re-voiced his dedication to upholding the state’s ban.
Most confusing, however, was how SCOTUS’ decision affects Idaho and Nevada. Same-sex marriage bans in these states were struck down by an appellate court shortly after SCOTUS’ decision. However, Idaho soon filed a request for an appeal to this decision and SCOTUS agreed to review it. This blocked same-sex marriages from starting there. However, Idaho mistakenly included both its and Nevada’s case number in their request, which meant same-sex marriages in the latter state also got blocked. This was a complete accident, as Nevada had no plans to challenge the appellate court’s decision to allow same-sex marriages.
On a final note, and to make things even more interesting, a decision on challenges to same-sex marriage bans in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee is still being debated by the appellate court. There is no timeline for when this ruling will be released, and the decision will likely cause equal amounts of chaos.
Other Sexual Health News This Week
The National Association of County and City Health Officials’ launched the first module in its PrEP and Local Health Departments educational series.
Virginia Tech University Adds Gender Identity Protections (Think Progress)
Half of Patients with HIV Not Screened Regularly for HCV (Healio)
Va. Campus Sexual Assault Task Force Meets (Washington Post)
Ann Arbor Calls on State to Add Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity to Anti-Discrimination Law (MLive)
Important Dates
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health 2015 Meeting, October 30.
CatalystCon East, November 4.
Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) 2015 Conference, November 5.
Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium, November 7.